Friday, August 30, 2013

The Big Reveal, Where the Next Two Years of My Life Will Take Place

Exciting news everyone! I officially know where I will be for the next two years! I have been assigned to a small village named Schlip in the Hadap region of Southern Namibia (I dare you to find something about it on the internet) and I will be the English teacher for grades 8, 9, and 10 at Pioneer Junior Secondary School. The school has a whopping 139 students, 7 teachers (I will make number 8), and the community as a whole +250. No I did not leave off a 0 or two. I can already say off the bat that coming from a university of 50,000, moving to a village of 250 is going to be quite a challenge yet an extremely unique experience for me. I do not think that in my life I have ever been a part of a population smaller than maybe 300. My elementary 6th grade class moving on to junior high was 100 but we were moving from over a 500 person school to a 1000 one. My graduating class was 700 and even being in James Madison at MSU there were 300 of us in my class. Small communities is not something I have experience with.
Aside from the super small community, it is also fairly isolated but its not too bad. I can apparently get necessary essentials in my village but my official shopping town where the main post office and bank are is called Rehoboth (Rehoboth actually has a lot of history which you CAN look up if you want). It is about 100km away. While I am still trying to figure out and mentally calculate km into hours, the application says it should take an hour and 15. However, depending on my mode of transportation (i.e. do I have a set up ride or do I need to find a hike) it could take longer or shorter. One of my nearest volunteers is also in Rehoboth so that is good.
Now the big question: Will I have to poop in a hole and live in a mud hut? I’m sorry to disappoint but no. I actually have a 3 room flat to myself on the school hostel grounds (I forgot to mention the school is a hostel school, kinda like a boarding school). From the application it says that I have running water, electricity, cement walls, and a modern kitchen (modern used loosely – could be a room with a sink and a two burner stove…) I am assuming that I will live next door to other teachers from my school and here is the best part: distance to work is 100 m. I’m not good with long commutes which is probably reason why my entire college career was centered around a small residential college on one of the largest campuses in the nation.
As far as my actual job goes, due to the extremely small size I believe I will be teaching every English class at the school. That is good because I will be able to get to know every student however; that makes me question what they are doing now and what will happen if I am not there? It also says that that will only be 20 periods a week which is actually really good, I will not be overloaded, nor do I feel I would ever be pressured to. So in teaching English, they want me to help with increasing the pass rate (which I will go into more detail later) but also help with getting the library in order. I don’t know what status their library is currently in but I am suspecting it isn’t good if they want me to “get it in order” as opposed to “take over task of running”. My school also apparently has a computer lab and they noted that it would be nice if I could help in there. I don’t know how much help I could do but I do know a few very nice IT guys here that could probably help me out.
As far as for the rest of the community I don’t know what I could potentially do, it was only noted that I could maybe do something at the local multi purpose center. So we will see what I can come up with…. J

1 comment:

  1. What is the purpose of this village? What is their economic focus? Agriculture? Subsistence farming? Goat herding? Mining? Very interesting...please take pictures if you can! and good luck? 100K is 62 miles...probly 2-3 hour truck ride if half on unpaved roads...GOOD LUCK!
